Why do they say you should never miss a Monday?

I have been struggling to get back on my fitness game, and in one of those moments where you have a conversation with yourself, I said, “I’ll start on Monday.” The problem was it was Thursday!  And the part of me that is truthful said, “I know I’m lyin’!” Did I call myself out? As embarrassing as that was, the bus had just turned a corner. It was about a 15-minute walk from my home. It was a lovely day, and the same voice that called me a liar told me to “get off the bus and walk the rest of the way home.” I did what I was told to do.

The next day, a funny thing happened. I got off the bus before my stop adding 15 minutes to my walk from the bus stop to work. Then on Saturday, I needed to go to the store. The first store I visited did not have what I was looking for. So I went to a second store, a third, and a fourth store. I never did find what I was looking for, but in the process, I got a 45-minute walk-in. 

Sunday is for meal prep, so I didn’t take a walk. While I was cleaning up, “Never miss a Monday!” popped into my head. I know what it means, but I thought, “Why?…why shouldn’t you ever miss a Monday?” so I headed to the “internet” to find out.

The thought is about starting your week off positively. It’s about giving yourself something to build upon. Making your bed or working out on Monday will lead to doing the same or similar on Tuesday. Tuesday will lead to Wednesday and on throughout the week. Allowing you to build good habits into your day. I can see that… I have never regretted working out, even if I didn’t want to initially. 

I tend to overestimate my ability and struggle with consistency. So for June, I will walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and aim to walk 30 minutes each day with the plan of adding on as I get stronger.

With that said, let the Summer of fitness begin because I am committed to fitting into my fall and winter clothes comfortably. Because this past fall and winter were not it, which is okay because we can always do better

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