It’s Not Too late To Reach Your 2020 Fitness Goals

Well…summer got the body I gave it!!! With fall on the horizon, I’ve been thinking about my fitness goals. Truth… I haven’t been as fitness-focused as I should have been. I could blame Corona but it ain’t her fault. So why not refocus now and meet those 2020 fitness goals and NOT have to make another Fitness New Years Resolution in January


The gyms in my area opened this week. While I’m happy they did, I’m not quite ready to return yet. I’ll be giving it a few weeks in the meantime,  I’ll be shopping my stash of workout DVDs and I may check out a few streaming workouts to see what looks interesting.

Initially, my thoughts were, YES!!! I can work out in my pajamas! I have since rethought my stance on that. I’m going to get up and get dressed in proper work out gear then go to the living room. We get dressed to go the Living Room on Thanksgiving Day…why not a Tuesdays in September to work out. I’ll treat it as a date with myself.  

I’m not “outdoorsy” by any stretch of the imagination but,  I love the sounds and scents of Fall, so why shouldn’t I go for a walk during lunch or after dinner and listen to the leaves crunching under your feet in the cool fall air. If you are going to exercise outside. Please remember the three Ws.

  1. Wicking (moisture-wicking clothing your first layer). 
  2. Warmth (your second layer should keep the cold out). 
  3. Weather (this layer should keep the wind and rain and snow out).

I plan to revisit my old equipment. I have a pilates Machine behind a wing chair (please don’t judge me). I’ll pull it out, dust it off and see what I get up to. How many of us have exercise equipment behind and under? Uncover it and put it to good use. The bonus… bad weather will no longer be an issue.

It doesn’t need to be complicated or a three-hour sweat session. If your good with your gyms set up…go for it. If you’re working out at home, claim your space find a workout your love and do that.  No matter what you do consistency is key. We’re in the last four months of the year, and there is still enough time to meet our fitness goals. Let’s save the resolutions for something else.

What 2020 fitness goals are you working toward? Let us know in the comments below.

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