Are You The Only Vegan At The Table This Year… Check the Pots!!!

The Holiday Season is upon us and while Covid-19 is still lingering, we may be thinking about safely gathering with a small group of friends and family for Thanksgiving.  If you’re are newly vegan and don’t know what to expect. Here is my advice.  Pack your patience and check the pots.

Here’s the real deal! Your decision to go Vegan has a ripple effect.  I say this because I’ve been there and it can be challenging.  Here’s what you can do to ease your family into your transition so everyone can enjoy the holidays.

Let them know in advance…Don’t go showing up to dinner and announce that you’re a vegan,  people need time to process. Food is love and feelings can get hurt. No one wants Grandma upset.

Offer to cook or pick up a few sides. Just don’t make a fuss about it being vegan resistance will be instant!  A few years ago I made garlic mashed potatoes with almond milk, vegan butter, and roasted garlic. There were no leftovers and now those mashed potatoes are in the Thanksgiving rotation. Just be aware of food allergies. 

I generally prepare all the sides. Here is how that happened… My mother mentioned that she was feeling a little tired one Thanksgiving week.  I saw my in and went for it. “If you want, I can make the sides. I only eat the veggies any way… you’ll have less to do. ” All mom had to cook was the turkey, the stuffing, and the mac and cheese. Who’s gonna say no to help.

It doesn’t matter if you a dietary or an ethical vegan…PLEASE, PLEASE don’t ruin dinner for everyone. I follow the live and let live mantra. My eating a plant-based diet is my personal choice. So no commentary while people are eating. We’ve been separated by Covid-19 for months.  With the extended play election, we will have more than enough to talk about.  No one likes to be judged live and let live and let people eat.

This is the most important thing I want to say to you…CHECK THE POT!!!! Often meat is used as a flavoring. Vegetables may be cooked with a piece or two of smoked meat for added flavor. If the meat is not served as part of the dinner it will be considered a veggie and you may be invited to double up. 

At one family dinner Grandma said ” Here, there isn’t a stitch of meat in it” There wasn’t in the serving dish… but there was in the pot! Do yourself a favor and check, or have someone at the dinner check for you. There was no malice, Grandma just didn’t understand yet

This goes back to the familial learning curve, be patient they will get it…eventually. More often than not your family is just worried about your health and nutrition, mine was. In time they will come around and may even be excited to see what you’ve prepared. If you need some suggestions Sweet Potato Soul is one of the vegan cookbooks I’m hoping to get for Christmas this year I hear the recipes are amazing.




Be the feather, not the hammer. Ease your friends and family into your veganism. It’s a process. 


Let’s become our own support system,  discuss your Thanksgiving worries or concerns below in the comments.


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